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Alec Farrall

Alec Farrall

Birth Date : 03/03/1936

Nationality :


Birthplace : Hoylake, England

Deathplace :

Height/Weight :

Position :


Not yet

Season Pos. Club 11 M Competition Obs. Position Obs. Season Status
1954-55 M Division 1

1955-56 M Division 1

1956-57 M Division 1

1957-58 M Division 1

1958-59 M 11 4 Division 1

1959-60 M Division 1

1960-61 M

1961-62 M

1962-63 M

1963-64 M

1964-65 M Division 3

1965-66 M

1966-67 M Division 3

1967-68 M

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